75+ Years Of experience

Ebsilon for Education and Training Development is a regional organization, with a global vision, specialized in building and developing bespoke professional training programs that help almost every individual to demonstrate high-quality skills and real-world application of forward-thinking professional practices and principles, and enhance their professional credibility and the organizations they serve. Guided by our values -trust, respect, contribution, teamwork, openness and innovation- and taking the responsibility for our actions, we commit ourselves, always, to act in a way that makes us deserve our clients, partners and employees’ confidence and appreciation.

Creative Work
Empower individuals to grow the intellectual aspect of their lives.

Best Solution
Achieve excellence with less resources.
Our Vision
To become a key global contributor to qualitative enhancement of people and businesses.
Our Mission
We are committed to provide superior, high-quality, high-value and innovative education and training solutions; and consultancy services that bring a significant contribution to the development of human capital and societies in the world.
Our Purpose
We intend to make the world better and more educated, with higher standards.
Our Strategic Goals
Our aim is to achieve the following goals:
- Contribute to the enhancement of human capital, worldwide.
- Fill in real gaps and actual needs in basic skills domains.
- Provide innovative, adaptable and cost-effective solutions for stunning results.
- Empower individuals to grow the intellectual aspect of their lives.
- Achieve excellence with less resources.

Projects Completed
Power of choices when nothing what we like best principle.

Happy Clients
Except to obtain some of advantages from it has any right.

Experienced Team
Complete account of the system and expound actual teachings.
Ebsilon was founded in 2014 by three entrepreneurs, who are deeply driven by shaping passions into a force for good and by helping individuals to improve their most essential and critical skills, and organizations to boost their levels of performance.
Launch of IOS, ITEC and PHS2 Programs
Launch of TEACH Program
Launch of LDIP Program
First International Project
First Online Training
Wining New International Projects
Winning New Project in Jordan
Winning New Project to Build ICT Curricula for the TVET Sector in Jordan
Ebsilon for Education and Training Development is a regional organization, with a global vision, specialized in building and developing bespoke professional training programs that help almost every individual to demonstrate high-quality skills and real-world application of forward-thinking professional practices and principles, and enhance their professional credibility and the organizations they serve.
Guided by our values -trust, respect, contribution, teamwork, openness and innovation- and taking the responsibility for our actions, we commit ourselves, always, to act in a way that makes us deserve our clients, partners and employees’ confidence and appreciation.

Ebsilon was founded in 2014 by three entrepreneurs, who are deeply driven by shaping passions into a force for good and by helping individuals to improve their most essential and critical skills, and organizations to boost their levels of performance.
Through our commitment, we try to contribute to the region’s enhancement by building and developing professional bespoke training programs driven by actual social and business needs. We are committed to develop modern, up-to-date and need-centric solutions that are relevant and economically affordable to develop and hone the skills of region’s citizens.
The main idea is to assist our clients and partners to leverage between what they can achieve from capitalizing on their strengths, values and best practices, and what they can outsource to others. Ultimately, helping them to achieve high levels of cost-efficiency and resource optimization

Per the model ebsilon appoints a Country Agent who acts on behalf of ebsilon to provide full support and guidance to Authorized Training Centers (ATCs) in their countries. The model ultimately seeks to help bringing high-class, high-quality training programs at the door step of local citizens, wherever they are.