Program Overview

Information Technologies Essentials Certificate program focuses on helping individuals acquire basic computer skills. The program has two levels: Basic and Specialist. The Basic Level (BL) introduces participants to Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Word 2010, and the Internet. The Specialist Level (SL) introduces participants to Microsoft Excel 2010, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, in two separate programs.

Program Objectives

Upon completion of this training program, a participant should be able:
BL: To create, manage and protect files and folders in Windows,and apply that in real work/life environment.
BL: To create and manage documents more professionally, using MS Word.
BL: To use internet and social media more safely and meaningfully.
SL: Excel Skills – To create and manage tables and formulas, using MS Excel.
SL: PowerPoint Skills – To present work and professional ideas with sound and image effects, using MS PowerPoint.

BL: Unit One – Microsoft Windows 7.
BL: Unit Two – Microsoft Word 2010.
BL: Unit Three – Internet.
SL: Excel Skills – Microsoft Excel 2010.
SL: PowerPoint Skills – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.

Any person with interest to develop his/her basic I.T. Skills.
Organizations plan to decrease error margins and increase employee performance and productivity.

Basic Level: 30 Hours.
Specialist Level (Excel Skills): 20 Hours.
Specialist Level (PowerPoint Skills): 20 Hours.

In class, face-to-face, instructor-led.

No prerequisites.

BL: One Hour, Multiple Choice Exam.
SL: One Hour, Practical Case Exam.
Passing Score is 70%.

Arabic language.
Other languages can be made available upon request.

Ebsilon for Education and Training Development.
Each certificate will be registered with a unique global verification number at the international portal for certificates verification – CertVeri.