LDIP training program has been designed to suit an actual need in the education sector, with the focus on the skills for including learners with learning disabilities, in regular classrooms. The program, through its four parts, helps teachers: 1) to know better and understand the concepts of learning disabilities; 2) know the casual factors of learning disabilities; 3) identify and discover learners with learning disabilities; and finally, 4) apply inclusive education and differentiated instruction strategies.

LDIP training program has been designed to suit an actual need in the education sector, with the focus on the skills for including learners with learning disabilities, in regular classrooms. The program, through its four parts, helps teachers: 1) to know better and understand the concepts of learning disabilities; 2) know the casual factors of learning disabilities; 3) identify and discover learners with learning disabilities; and finally, 4) apply inclusive education and differentiated instruction strategies.
Unit One: Basic concepts in Learning Disabilities.
Unit Two: Causal Factors of Learning Disabilities.
Unit Three: Discovering Learners with Learning Disabilities.
Unit Four: Inclusion Strategies & Differentiated Instruction.
Teachers and Educators.
School Principals.
Any person who is looking to excel as an education professional.
Full Program: 16 Hours: 4 days / 4 hours a day.
In class, face-to-face, instructor-led.
No prerequisites.
One Hour, Multiple Choice Exam.
Passing Score is 70%.
Arabic language.
Other languages can be made available upon request.
Ebsilon for Education and Training Development.
Each certificate will be registered with a unique global verification number at the international portal for certificates verification – CertVeri.