The project aimed to help young females (18-24 years age) build their capacities and Soft Skills and prepare them for work. The selected young females were trained on Soft Skills, using the Interpersonal and Occupational Skills Program, on IT basic skills, using the Information Technologies Essentials Certificate program, and on health and safety skills, using the Personal Health & Safety Skills Program. The trainees had the opportunity to work on many individual and group activities, which strengthened their ability to use and apply the acquired skills, in real-life scenarios.
Project Scope of Work
Building Soft Skills and Employability Skills for 45 young females.
Project Duration
- Initiating and planning: 2 weeks.
- Executing: 6 months.
- Monitoring, evaluating and closing: 2 weeks.

Project Description
The project aimed to help young females (18-24 years age) build their capacities and Soft Skills and prepare them for work. The selected young females were trained:
- on Soft Skills (Self-Awareness, Time Management, Communications Skills, Strategic Planning Basics, Problem Solving & Creative Thinking and Project Management Basics;
- on basic IT Skills (Windows, MS-Words, Internet, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoint);
- on personal health and safety skills (Health Awareness, Disease Prevention, Nutrition, Safety and First Aid);
Project Deliverable/Outputs/Activities
- Delivering TOT training to qualify selected trainers as:
- Interpersonal and Occupational Skills – IOS trainers.
- Information Technologies Essentials Certificate – ITEC trainers.
- Personal Health & Safety Skills – PHS2 trainers.
- Delivering training on IOS.
- Delivering training on ITEC.
- Delivering training on PHS2.
Project Key Stakeholders
- ZADCOM for Relief and Development
- Ebsilon for Education and Training Development
- Others